Adult Classes

Term 4 2023 classes

Beginner Classes: 

Our Adult class staff are still on holiday, so no beginner Classes announced yet for Term 4 2023. 


Open Gym (practise time for experienced athletes only)

       Ages: 16+

      Skill level : Intermediate – advanced  

               Prerequisites:  Experience in Dance, Gymnastics, Cheer, Arials or similar*

       Day: Wednesday

       Cost: $15 (no booking required)     

       Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm 

              Warm up time: 6:30pm – 6:50pm

               Practise time: 6:50pm – 8:30pm

*This session time is for ex & current acrobats to have a space to practise their craft, this is NOT a session for beginners, play or disruptive behaviour. 

Term 3 2023 classes

The Following Classes are casual entry friendly, you do not need to commit to a term and instead can buy a discounted 10 pass which will be valid across the range of casual entry classes.

See the below booking system to book casual entry classes

  • $20 – casual entry
  • $165 per 10 pass

Book Spots below and pay at door 

Parents Mobility Classes

These mobility classes are at the same time as our after school gymnastics classes, use the booking portal below to register and pay online to reserve your spot. 

– No classes in Term 4 2024